Lead’s density is what makes lead cabinet such an excellent shielding material. Radiation shielding, on the other hand, necessitates this material’s high atomic number, great application flexibility, and exceptional stability. All of these products are available in a wide range of forms and can be used in a wide range of ways. Unit Dose Cabinet (Lead-Lined Unit)
Two sharp containers are located in the top left compartment to aid with decay rotation. Syringes may be disposed of into the front container via a tiny chute with a detachable protective top. The second rotting container may be removed safely thanks to a big back port. Unit dosage ammunition boxes are stored in the top right container. With the covered door, you can go in without exposing yourself to any further danger. Syringes, sources, pigs, radioisotopes, and other tiny things needing lead shielding may be stored in the middle drawers. The entire width of the cabinet’s bottom drawer may be used to store phantoms and flood sources. Specifications:
Radioisotope Storage Cabinet (Lead-Lined Unit)It comes with a standard top, but there are also other tops that can be used with this cabinet. Sharps port with lead cover for B-D Guardian and Winfield Sharps containers or up to three storage wells with lead lined coverings. Specifications: